scrub slearance

Tree shear

The last few weeks have been particularly busy, especially so the last week where we have been using a tree shear to clear scrub and open up some ponds. This is an incredibly efficient way of coppicing hedgerows that are now to thick for hedge trimmers to deal with - be warned though people are always surprised by the volume of work that can be completed in a day. It is a great way of cutting and placing smaller trees too, this minimises handling making things quicker and less tiring on the chainsaw operator too!

Pond rejuvenation

For more images of what the tree shear can do, please head across to our facebook page here to see some before and after examples of the type of work that this equipment excels at.

If you would like to discuss an area of scrub you would like cleared we have a number of options from mulchers right through to hand cutting with a chainsaw so please feel free to contact us, we are more than happy to offer advice as to the best method of achieving the desired results.