woodland management

Thinning, extracting and aerial pictures!

Making the most of the dry weather we’ve been felling with ongoing thinning and ride widening work being completed. We’ve also put in a few new gun lines for a local shoot to make some of their shooting days a bit more challenging for the guns.

Typically as we get to the end of the cutting and just about to start extracting the heavens open once again. Trying to be as sensitive as possible we’ve delayed extracting on those sites where damage to soil structure might occur.

We recently managed to capture this image of a Scheduled Ancient Monument we’ve been working on (when time and conditions allow) which gives a good idea as to the difference as to before and after.


The bottom right hand side is what the whole site used to look like, with mid left and top right showing most recent works and top left showing works undertaken 6 months ago.

We’re looking forwards to getting the last of the timber off and then clearing all brash from the site to return it to what it should be - and ancient village!

Works upate

We’re out and about (dodging or not in most cases rain and recent high winds). Some recent coppice works we completed gives an idea of the potential transformations that can be completed in a woodland. These works were done to improve the habitat for the widlife and also increase the resilience of the woodland by varying the age structure. As an additional benfit it has provided some nice timber for firewood and a biomass boiler!

The above images show the before during and after of a part of the coppice.

2019 is go...

It’s all go as we make the most of the dry weather and hopefully with the cold weather approaching, ground conditions will continue to be favourable.

Ash Coppice completed using the harvester.

Ash Coppice completed using the harvester.

There’s been a bit of everything going on!… the harvester is out and cutting coppice as well as doing some work on more sensitive sites. Timber is being hauled out and is stacked up ready for sale, and not a mark left on the ground as to where we’ve been travelling either!

And to cap it all off we still are still enjoying some early morning’s undertaking deer management commitments.

A cracking start to the year and we look forwards to continuing to work with clients both established and new!

Tree shear

The last few weeks have been particularly busy, especially so the last week where we have been using a tree shear to clear scrub and open up some ponds. This is an incredibly efficient way of coppicing hedgerows that are now to thick for hedge trimmers to deal with - be warned though people are always surprised by the volume of work that can be completed in a day. It is a great way of cutting and placing smaller trees too, this minimises handling making things quicker and less tiring on the chainsaw operator too!

Pond rejuvenation

For more images of what the tree shear can do, please head across to our facebook page here to see some before and after examples of the type of work that this equipment excels at.

If you would like to discuss an area of scrub you would like cleared we have a number of options from mulchers right through to hand cutting with a chainsaw so please feel free to contact us, we are more than happy to offer advice as to the best method of achieving the desired results.